After the death of Qian Lao, many people asked us: What is the last word of money? And hope that these people around us write a “Qian Xuesen in the last days.” We have told everybody that Qian was very calm and serene when he died, and that he had no last words left. Because of some time before the death of Qian Lao, he has been very difficult to speak. What we can offer to you is a collation of the last systematic talk that Qian Lao made to us: Qian Lao talked about the cultivation of innovative science and technology personnel. It was at 301 Hospital on the afternoon of March 29, 2005. Later, Qian repeatedly talked about this issue, including the remark he made when some central leading comrades visited him. That is intermittent, there is no systematic and comprehensive this time. Today, we publish this talk summary, which has been stored in the safe for years, as an account of readers and of all those who admire and love money.