我在进行《地震》一课的观摩教学中,有一段即兴教学至今仍使我记忆犹新。 在我演示“模拟岩层褶皱实验”和“模拟岩层断裂实验”后,学生都知道了地震是怎样形成的。随后,我告诉学生地震是一种非常可怕的自然现象,由于事先无法预测,造成的人员伤亡和物资损失都很严重。(举中国、日本的几次大地震的例子),因此人们从很早以前就开始对地震进行研究。我国是世界上研究地震最早的国家,早在1800多年前,科学家张衡就发明了世界上第一台监测地震的仪器——地动仪,为地震的研究做出了重大贡献。随着科学技术的不断发展,人们研究地震的技术也越来越高。但到目前为止,还没有人研究出如何准确预报地震发生的新方法。世界各国科学家已经解决了成千上万的科学难题,例如较大的冰雹对农
I still have a fresh memory of my impromptu teaching in the observation lesson of the “Earthquake” lesson. After I demonstrated the Simulated Rock Collapsing Experiment and the Simulated Rock Fracture Experiment, students all know how the earthquake was formed. Afterwards, I told the students that the earthquake was a very scary natural phenomenon. As a result of the unpredictable events, the casualties and material losses were all serious. (Citing examples of several major earthquakes in China and Japan), so people began to study the earthquake long ago. China was the earliest country in the world to study earthquakes. As early as 1800 years ago, Zhang Heng, the scientist, invented the world's first instrument for monitoring earthquakes - the seismograph, and made a significant contribution to the study of earthquakes. With the continuous development of science and technology, people study the earthquake technology is also getting higher and higher. But so far, no one has yet developed a new method of how to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes. Thousands of scientific problems have been solved by scientists all over the world, such as the greater hail of agriculture