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省政府召开全省安全生产紧急电视电话会议韩寓群副省长强调: 7月24日,省政府召开全省安全生产紧急电视电话会议,通报近期全省安全生产形势和重大事故情况,部署当前的工作任务。副省长韩寓群作了重要讲话。他指出,今年以来,各级各部门在省委、省政府的领导下,按照减少一般事故,遏制重大事故,杜绝特大恶性事故的要求,在贯彻中央领导同志重要指示、加强消防安全工作、落实安全生产责任制、开展宣传活动、排查与整改事故隐患等方面,做了大量的工作,这是应当肯定的成绩。但是,也应该清醒地看到,我省安全生产基础尚不牢固,重大事故时有发生。进入七月份以来,各类事故不断发生,在近二十多天的时间里,连续发生几起重大事故。7月13日,济南药业集团装修办公楼的民工在临时住宿的礼堂内违章存放易燃稀料和使用电炉子引起重大火灾事故,造成5人死亡,1人重伤。7月18日,济南长途电信传输局三产企业长途电信通信公司第一分公司在曹县闫店楼镇架设电缆钢绞线 The provincial government held an emergency teleconference for safety production in the province. Vice Governor Han Yuqun emphasized: On July 24, the provincial government held an emergency teleconference for safety production across the province to inform the recent situation of safety production and major accidents in the province and to deploy the current work task. Vice Governor Han Yuqun made an important speech. He pointed out: Since the beginning of this year, under the leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, all departments and departments at all levels have followed the important instructions of the central leading comrades in accordance with the requirements of reducing general accidents, curbing major accidents and putting an end to major malignant accidents, intensifying their work on fire safety and implementation Safety responsibility system, carry out publicity activities, investigate and rectify the hidden dangers of accidents, has done a lot of work, which is to be affirmed. However, we should clearly see that the foundation of our province’s safe production is not yet strong and that major accidents have occurred from time to time. Since July, all kinds of accidents have taken place continuously. In the past twenty days or so, several major accidents have taken place in a row. On July 13, migrant workers in Jinan Pharmaceutical Group’s renovation office building caused a major fire accident in the hall of temporary accommodation, storing 5 flammable thin materials and using electric stoves, resulting in 5 deaths and 1 serious injury. July 18, Jinan Long-distance Telecommunication Transmission Corporation three production companies long-distance telecommunications company in the first branch in Yan County, Cao Zhen erection of cable strand
春节将至,A 又想起2004年国庆节发生的事情:在国庆节的大好销售时机,其在各大卖场火暴销售的几款 MP3却出现了不同程度的断货,有的卖场在10月1日一天就卖光了所有库存而断货
A lN是一种重要的半导体材料,由于具有宽带隙、高临界击穿电场、高热导率、高载流子饱和漂移速度等优越的特性,在微电子和光电子领域具有广泛的应用前景。本文综述了国际上A