生长在大自然环境下的植物千姿百态,蕨类植物尤其如此。它们原生长在深山老林、沟谷路旁或人迹罕见之处,当它们走出深山,进入千家万户时,显得那样的高洁、清新而雅致,把人们带人与花美不同的另一种美的境界! 为使这些蕨类植物有更大贡献,我们用人工培养孢子方法促使它们繁殖更多的后代。经过一年多的努力,我们已筛选出10多种孢子萌发快、移栽容易、适应性强、姿态优美的种类(见封四)。现介绍其孢子育苗技术如下。
Plants grown in the natural environment in different poses and with different poses, especially ferns. They were originally grown in deep forests, valleys or on the tracks of rare places of human beings. When they walked out of the mountains and into every household, they became noble, fresh and elegant, bringing people to the beauty of another beauty different from that of flowers To make a greater contribution to these ferns, we use artificial cultivation of spores to encourage them to multiply more offspring. After more than a year of hard work, we have screened more than 10 kinds of spores germinating fast, easy transplanting, adaptable, graceful species (see seal four). Now introduce its spore breeding technology is as follows.