台湾周 荆楚梦——湖北推进鄂台经济文化交流纪实

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5月18日,为期一周的第十一届“湖北·武汉台湾周”圆满落幕。一周来,由省委常委、常务副省长王晓东率领的湖北省代表团,先后辗转台北、新竹、苗栗、台中、南投、嘉义、台南、高雄等地,连续举办了30多场高密度的参访交流活动,在岛内再次掀起了一股强劲的“湖北风”。本届台湾周以促进两岸关系和平发展为主题,突出民生,坚持“两岸一家亲”理念,两岸民众团体、行业组织积极参与,举办了一系列经贸文化交流和民间交往活动。自2004年至今,“湖北·武汉台湾周”已走过11年光辉历程。 On May 18, the 11th week of “Hubei and Wuhan Taiwan Week” ended on a successful conclusion. A week ago, a delegation led by Hubei provincial delegation led by Wang Xiaodong, standing member of the Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, successively held more than 30 high-density ginsengs in Taipei, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Nantou, Chiayi, Tainan and Kaohsiung. Interview activities, set off again in the island a strong “Hubei style.” As the theme of promoting the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, this week Taiwan has focused on people’s livelihood and adhered to the concept of “one China pro-independence”. Cross-Strait mass organizations and trade organizations actively participated in and organized a series of economic, cultural and cultural exchanges and non-governmental exchanges. Since 2004, “Hubei Wuhan Taiwan Week” has gone through 11 years of glorious history.
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