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建筑工程需要机械设备的参与。这是因为在建筑工程的进行过程中,机械设备的参与可以使得整个建筑工程更加便利的进行。而且在研究过程中发现建中工程的进度也受建筑机械设备的影响,在保证建筑的进度和质量中能够发挥非常的重要的作用。但是由于建筑机械设备在建筑工程进行过程中使用的范围较为广泛,使用的时间也非常多,这就导致在长时间的使用过程中机械设备会发生一些损坏,这些损坏的出现降低了整个建筑工程的顺利进行,因此对建筑机械设备的维护和保养对整个建筑工程来说能够起到非常重要的作用。本文主要对在建筑工程中使用的机械设备进行维护和保养得技术问题进行深入的论述。 Construction works require the participation of machinery and equipment. This is because the participation of machinery and equipment can make the whole construction project more convenient during the construction process. Moreover, it was found during the course of the study that the progress of the construction of medium-sized works was also affected by the construction machinery and equipment, and played a very important role in ensuring the progress and quality of the construction. However, due to the wide range of construction machinery and equipment used in the construction process, the use of time is also very much, which leads to prolonged use of machinery and equipment in the process of some damage, the occurrence of these damage reduces the entire construction project The smooth progress of the construction machinery and equipment maintenance and maintenance of the entire construction project can play a very important role. This article mainly discusses the technical problems in the mechanical equipment used in the construction engineering maintenance and maintenance.
1 临床资料患者,男,72a,于2000年9月17日因腹痛、恶心、呕吐、腹泻水样便入院.入院前未服用任何药物.既往无足癣史,无药物不良反应史.体检:T36.5℃,P 80次/min,R 16次/min,BP