据国家信息中心预测,今后几年我国摩托车市场将在质量、技术、价格等方面出现较大改观。 摩托车将成为城乡居民消费的又一热点,并在一些经济发达城市与自行车分庭抗礼。据对广州、新塘、深圳、佛山等地了解,1992年底广东省摩托车私人拥有量就已达到86万辆,部分大排量、高功率的摩托车已加入出租车短途运输行列,广州市的一些地方存车处摩托车与自行车达到五五分成。预计今年我国摩托车年产将突破330万辆大关,保有量达1300万辆,尤其是中小排量车型增势强劲,购销两旺。 摩托车生产结构的调整、质量的提高为居民提供了充裕的选择度。“七五”期间,以嘉陵、建设、易初、轻骑、南方、洪都为首的生产
According to the prediction of the State Information Center, the motorcycle market in China will see a big improvement in quality, technology and price in the next few years. Motorcycles will become another hotspot for urban and rural residents, and rival bicycles in some economically developed cities. According to Guangzhou, Xintang, Shenzhen, Foshan and other places, by the end of 1992, the number of privately owned motorcycles in Guangdong Province has reached 860,000. Some large displacement and high-powered motorcycles have joined the ranks of short-distance taxi transportation. Guangzhou In some places the car and motorcycle reached fifty-five divided. It is expected that the annual output of motorcycles in China will exceed 3.3 million by the end of this year, maintaining a total of 13 million vehicles. In particular, the growth of small and medium-sized displacement vehicles is strong and the sales volume is booming. Motorcycle production structure adjustment, improve the quality of residents has provided ample choice. During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”, the production led by Jialing, construction, YiChu, Qingqi, southern China and Hongdu