Are science and technology 'value neutral'?

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  Abstract: It is not difficult to find social values from science and technology. Although there are a great many positive values, negative ones cannot be denied or ignored. Negative values are not only revealed in their harm to the Environmental Protection, but also to the human society and civil life. In this article, two examples are cited to prove the author’s point of view. One is the disappearance of tropical rainforests, and the other one is the holocaust in the Second World War in 20th century. Individual in any conditions should unconditionally assume his moral responsibility. Otherwise, human will suffer disasters which have unimaginable results.
  Key words: science and technology, Negative value, Biodiversity, Alienation , Holocaust, moral responsibility
  Science and technology are integral components of the human race but are they 'value neutral'? That is a very important question. Different people have different viewpoints. Perhaps many people will explain the positive value science and technology have brought into our lives; however the amount of benefit or negative ramifications they help bring about depends heavily on the way they are used and applied. As an old saying goes that each coin has two sides, there are both positive and negative values for science and technology as well. Nobody can deny that it helps us lead a better and happier life, however at the same time, in many cases environment is damaged and resulting negative externalities may overwhelm any positive benefit it brings. Unrestrained publicity of instrumental rationality, loss of the value of rational science and technology has led to the results that the sword of Damocles is hanging above our head. Now, as negative value of science of technology, an example will be cited as follow.
  In the first example, with the development of science and technology, a large number of species on Earth gradually disappear, and many forests have been felled. Tropical rain forests are involved in this catastrophe. For example, in the twentieth century, the disappearance of the Amazon rainforest is equivalent to the French territory area. However we should know that each species in the world have the basic right of survival and development, both of which are inherent. Humans have no right to deprive other species of their natural rights. This concept comes from the theory of natural rights by philosopher Rousseau in eighteenth-century. While human beings have their rights, each creature also has a right to life. This is not only from a utilitarian theory, but also from a moral theory. From the air into the soil, and from birds to fish, nature is an organic food chain. Where there is a problem in any part of this chain, the ecological imbalance will be affected, such as global warming, extinction of the species, El Nino, La Nina, melting of the Arctic ices, rise of the global sea level, and so on. It can be easily found that human beings have already suffered the natural punishment because of the abuse of science and technology and without caring about any consequences. In the 1870s Engels warned us with deep insight in his book Dialectics of Nature, "We should not revel in our victory over the natural world. For each such victory nature will have her revenge.” When the conflicts happen between protection of environment and development of science and technology, we should not hesitate to consider the former. There is good news that, in Sichuan, Yunnan and other places in China, many public interest organizations are involved in the protection of the tropical rainforest, many experts and scholars dedicated to the protection and breeding of tropical rain forest, and many college students also participate in volunteers. I am proud to be a member of this organization. In 2009, we have been publicity in many universities in Sichuan. Protecting the diversity of animals and plants is the basic obligation of each citizen.   The second example is another area case: About more than one hundred years ago, the famous German philosopher Karl Marx pointed out that science and technology profoundly negative value or social alienation of science and technology, He once said :“In our days, everything seems pregnant with its contrary: Machinery, gifted with the wonderful power of shortening and fructifying human labour, we behold starving and overworking it; the newfangled sources of wealth, by some strange weird spell, are turned into sources of want; the victories of art seem bought by the loss of character. At the same pace that mankind masters nature, man seems to become enslaved to other men or to his own infamy. Even the pure light of science seems unable to shine but on the dark background of ignorance. All our invention and progress seem to result in endowing material forces with intellectual life, and in stultifying human life into a material force.This antagonism between modern industry and science on the one hand, modern misery and dissolution on the other hand; this antagonism between the productive powers and the social relations of our epoch is a fact, palpable, overwhelming, and not to be controverted.”( Briefly speaking, the development of science and technology makes the heart of people alienated. In other words, people's mind have already alienated by science and technology. Alienation, which is a key word in this paper. After twentieth century, the war, economic crisis, environmental pollution and other global issues go worse day by day. The people have the negative view to the science and technology. People doubt the value of Science; some people even completely negate the value of science, put forward to want to prohibit the science, to ban the new scientific discovery to application.
  In the Second World War, in Europe occurred in human history the most tragic events: Nazi Germany by the progress of science and massacred a large number of jews. The famous British philosopher, thinker Zygmunt Bauman wrote a book called" modernity and the Holocaust". The book exposes the fact: the tragedy of the Holocaust and the development of science and technology closely related. For example, they not only the use of advanced technology to develop the most efficient weapons, through the advanced management methods to enable the slaughter process to achieve the Max Weber said" accurate, fast, clear, understanding documents, continuous, careful, consistent, strictly obey, reduced friction, reduced material and human consumption " (H. H .Gerth& C. Wright Mills eds.,From: Max Weber)in the best state, science and technology become the killing tool, this is a terrible thing! Many innocent Jews died in science and technology. The violence was given authority, the victim was deprived of humanity, and the executioner also became a part of the Holocaust project. The violence was given authority, the development of science and technology make people desire more and more expansion, the development of science and technology has become the tool of holocaust. Such a historical tragedy shows: If in the development of science and technology with a conscience and the sense of moral responsibility, then humans will eventually die together.   In addition, it is interesting that whether Darwin's biological theory of evolution can be used in the field of human society? Moreover, is there really good or bad among different nationalities? In my opinion, Darwin's evolution theory can be only applied to natural science, but can be never used in our human society. We have to recognize and respect the diversity of development. Every country or every person is equal and free. A famous German classical philosopher Kant's raason will be divided into theoretical reason and practical reason. Theoretical reason can only be applied to the field of science and technology, and the practical reason can be applied to the field of human society. If we want to be the world’s national division grade, then the twentieth Century genocide tragedies are likely to be repeated. .
  The famous physicist Alber Einstein used to sign a file to protest against nuclear weapons and atomic bomb, which finally contributes to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty This great scientist, who is the outstanding person in the field of nucleus, summon the great equation E= MC2 by his genius wisdom. Nevertheless, what he is really concerned about is the devastating influence to human being by the atomic bomb. And then, in the later of his life, he advocated the control of nuclear weapons, advocate a new political, appeal to the international control of atomic energy, and eventually destroy nuclear weapons. Without the abuse of the rational, he maintained the science spirit of responsibility and conscience, and kept on promoting peace process, which is his great meaning.
  [1] Yuri Balashov and Alex Rosenberg.Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Readings[M]. Routledge, 2002.
  [2]Brian Garvey: “Nature, Nurture and Why the Pendulum Still Swings”. [J]. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 35 (2), 2005
随着我国改革开放的持续深入,中国的教育界也在发生深刻的变化: 知识的不断更新,学科呈现纵深发展的态势使得学科教师的联系和协作成为必然的要求。英语是现代人联系世界,沟通世界的必需语言技能,高校英语教师的专业发展与提高直接影响到学生的学习效果与学校教育水平。  在体育大学这类有明显专业特色的高校中,英语教师如能突破本专业,积极利用本校体育教学研究资源,在英语与体育专业间建立教学合作团队和科研合作团队,
Abstract: English teachers in vocational colleges, serving as head teachers, take on a dual duty in the adult education and talent education of college students. It is required that head teachers play
摘 要:随着现代信息化的快速发展,人教版各科课程都进行了新课程改革。新课程改革后,初中英语课堂更注重于对学生实际运用能力的培养,为不影响教学进度,提升教学质量,我们要更加注重课堂教学,不断探讨英语课堂教学的新思路,将课堂教学作为提升整体教学效果的重要载体[1]。英语是一门语言学科,新课改后越来越注重学生的实际运用能力。对英语的教学首先要突破孩子们的语言瓶颈,初中是孩子们全面接触英语的第一个时期,
摘 要:目前在众多的英语教学活动中遇到学生不配合的现象,这有违新课程教学理念,如何改变这一现象,提升课堂学习的有效性呢?合作互动学习是新课程改革倡导的合作交流学习方式。本文根据英语学科的特点,结合如何科学分组,提高课堂学习有效性进行了阐述。旨在倡导体验、实践、参与、互动的学习方式,让英语课堂真正“活”起来,让每位学生真正“动”起来,提升英语课堂学习有效性。  关键词:科学分组 分工合作 合理
摘 要:在现行的英语教学实践中,小学和初中升学考试都不直接考查国际音标,所以出现了这样的英语教学状况:小学阶段忽视音标教学,而初中教师则认为学生在小学阶段已经学过音标,有了一定基础,所以只在教学中小学衔接教材的时候利用仅有的一小段时间对音标进行“蜻蜓点水”式的复习,这就造成了音标教学的明显漏洞;处于城郊结合部学校,优生生源流失较为严重,学生的整体英语素养不是很好,家长的文化程度参差不齐,不能很好
摘 要: 课堂教学是学校教育教学活动的基本形式,构建有效课堂教学的评价体系,必须贯彻现代教学评价的核心思想。科学化的课堂教学评价能促进学校教学质量的提高,促进教师专业素质的提高,带动学校教科研水平的提高,促使学生的素质得到较好的提高,对进一步加强和深化课改有很强的现实意义。课堂教学的评价策略应有利于学生创新能力的发展,教师不断改善教学实践过程,开发自己的教学潜能,提高教学水平。  关键词: 课堂
Abstract: With the increasing fusion of international trade and global culture worldwide, there has been an incremental quantity of mutual cargo movements between China and English speaking countries.
摘 要:计算机辅助教学正日益广泛地应用于高中英语教学之中。它以形声具备的特点,培养学生利用多媒体自主探究学习的方法、经验及心理, 充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神。这完全符合新课程改革的要求。而口语在高中英语教学中是越来越重要了。因此,笔者将在此文中谈谈在新课程改革背景下,教师应如何利用计算机辅助口语教学。  关键词:计算机辅助教学 高中英语教学 口语  英语是一门活的语言,它有其实用性和趣
摘 要:对于职校生来说,英语无疑是天书,教师若想扭转这种局面,就要做有心人,在课堂教学中充分调动学生学习的主动性。本文旨在从如何调动学生学习的主动性入手,浅析了自己的几点做法,从而让英语课堂“动感十足”。  关键字:英语课堂;主动性;兴趣  对于职校生来说,英语无疑是天书,有的甚至视英语教学为魔鬼课堂。教师若想扭转这种局面,就要做有心人,在课堂教学中充分调动学生学习的主动性。那么如何调动学生学
摘 要:绿色课堂是新课程理念下提出的一种全新的课堂模式,是一种追求和谐、平等、智慧的现代课堂。笔者从绿色课堂为切入点,探求如何建构初中英语绿色课堂,架设起师生心灵沟通的绿色之桥。  关键词:英语;绿色课堂;初中  随着时代和社会的发展,对课堂教学的要求也越来越高,满堂灌式的传道授业解惑型教学方法已经为现代课堂所抛弃,取而代之的以生为本、以学定教的新鲜、活泼、充满生机的绿色课堂。  一、绿色课堂的定