目的:探讨抑郁障碍伴慢性功能性疼痛患者的认知特征。方法将32名抑郁障碍伴慢性功能性疼痛患者设为研究组,49名非抑郁障碍慢性功能性疼痛患者设为对照组,采用自动思维问卷、功能失调性态度问卷和疼痛应对方式问卷对两组患者的自动思维、功能失调性态度、疼痛应对方式进行测评分析。结果研究组自动思维问卷总均分、功能失调性态度问卷的7个因子分均显著高于对照组(P<0.01),认知哲学因子分显著低于对照组(P<0.01);疼痛应对方式问卷的灾难化、祈祷因子分均显著高于对照组(P<0.01),转移注意力因子分显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论抑郁障碍伴慢性功能性疼痛患者存在显著的负性自动思维和功能失调性态度,对躯体疼痛症状更多地采用消极应对方式。“,”Objective To explore cognitive characteristics of depression patients with chronic functional pain (CFP) .Methods Thirty-two depression patients with CFP were assigned to research group and 49 non-depression patients to control group ,assessments conducted with the Automatic Thought Question-naire (ATQ) ,Dysfunctional Attitude Sales (DAS) and Pain Coping Style Questionnaire (PCSQ) .Results Total average score of the ATQ and 7 factors of the DAS were significantly higher (P<0 .01) and cogni-tive philosophy lower (P<0 .01) in research than control group ;catastrophe and prayer of the PCSQ were significantly higher (P< 0 .01) and attention distracting lower (P< 0 .05) .Conclusion Depression pa-tients with CFP have notable negative automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes and they adopt cop-ing style for body pain symptoms even more .