熊晓鸽首经是美国一电子杂志《Electronic Business》的记者,采访过很多公司,为了得到对这些公司的全面评价,他接触了众多的风险投资公司。1988年,他最先接触到风险投资的概念,尤其是风险投资对硅谷的发展所起的作用给他留下了深刻的印象。当时他的最大感触是:风险投资是专为中国量身定做的。所以91年他开始从事风险投资的工作,93年正式进入中国,成为中国最早的一批风险投资家之一。他带来的IDGVC是第一家美国来中国做技术信息服务的风险投资公司。目前为止,他投了89个项目,10个已退出来,年均投资回投率在40%。去年,公司正式成立风险管理基金(这也是国内第一家外资背景的合伙人制的风险投资基金),包括他本人共9位合伙人。熊晓鸽有自己的人生哲学,风险投资是他
Mr. Xiong Xiaoge was the first correspondent in the U.S. electronic magazine Electronic Business and interviewed many companies. In order to get a comprehensive evaluation of these companies, he contacted many venture capital firms. In 1988, he first came into contact with the concept of venture capital, especially the role of venture capital in the development of Silicon Valley. He was deeply impressed. At that time, his greatest feeling was: Venture Capital is designed specifically for China. Therefore, he started his venture investment work in 1991 and officially entered China in 1993, becoming one of the first batch of venture capitalists in China. He brought IDGVC is the first venture capital firm in the United States to do technical information services in China. So far, he voted 89 projects, 10 have been withdrawn, the average annual investment return rate of 40%. Last year, the company formally established a risk management fund (which is also the venture capital fund of the first partnership with foreign investors in the country), including himself a total of nine partners. Xiong Xiaoge have their own philosophy of life, venture capital is him