Confidence Counts

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  Along with the Chinese dream becoming a new theme for Chinese society, voices of doubt and misunderstandings emerged both at home and abroad. My friends Liu Ge, Shu Taifeng, Lei Sihai and I decided to write a book together to elaborate on the Chinese dream, to elaborate on its current condition, as well as the difficulties and prospects facing it.
  After half a year of hard work, the book More Time for China, More Time for Dream was finally complete and it enjoyed great popularity.
  The writing process was a real challenge. The biggest question was: If we need to narrow the scope down to 10 questions, then what should they be? Also, given the numerous books on the Chinese dream already published, how would our book stand out?
  After a lot of discussion, we reached a consensus: The questions should reflect the true feelings of the people; they cannot avoid the problems that exist. Our analysis should be an objective evaluation of China’s reality while also showing the hope for China’s future.
  Finally, we chose to focus on the following aspects: peoples’ livelihoods, finance, the economy, education, urbanization, public morals, the legal system, population, war and foreign relations. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of China’s policies in these areas, and also the direction of their respective reforms. Also, we suggested tentative solutions to problems we identified.
  During the process, I found that the Chinese media were generally more negative than the international community. Many foreign officials, scholars and celebrities have expressed the idea that “the world’s future relies on China’s efforts.”However, in China, opinions in the media, and especially on the Internet, ran very much in the opposite direction.
  Currently, China is at a period where conflicts have exploded. This exposure has, on the one hand, promoted the country’s progress. On the other hand, it has also intensified internal conflicts, made the basic standards of right and wrong more confused, and denied China’s traditional culture.
  As a result, there is anxiety and fear in Chinese society. A feeling that “China is about to collapse” has been created and is likely to slow the country’s revival.
  This has led directly to the popularity of“complaint culture” in Chinese society today. Complaints about the government and criticism of officials can be found all over the liberalleaning media and in online discourse.   Contrary to this, those supporting the government and understanding the complexities in a country as big as China risk scolded as simply being shills that have been paid off by the government.
  The truth is that these rumors, such as the fear of collapse, are absurd. They are not ground in the face of the huge achievements that China has made. China does face a number of social problems, but looking back over the past 20 years, it has made the fewest mistakes of any major country, it has found the most distinctive development path, and it has the best future prospects.
  Therefore, if anyone asks me about my feelings since completing the book, first of all I say that I hope that the Chinese people can have more confidence and understand that China’s rise is creating history. This way, they can eventually overcome the self-abasement and pessimism prevalent today. Self-confidence is important for China, whose modernization has not been going on for very long.
  Take the United States’ 170-year-long mod- ernization process (1790-1960) for example: It dealt with anti-colonial rebellion, plagues, civil war, sandstorms, two world wars, social unrest, ethnic conflicts, environmental pollution, the assassination of a president, a nuclear crisis and many other situations.
  Even after the 1960s, it suffered from a series of national crisis including government scandals, strikes and terrorist attacks. However, all these have only made the American people stronger and improved their national system. It was during this whole process that the American dream was fostered and realized. The Chinese people should learn from their experiences.
  The main problem facing China is that it should try all possible means to deal with the sudden information explosion brought on by the Web 2.0 era, and we should move the atmosphere online away from one which takes pride in abusing the government while refusing to understand it. Discourse needs to become more balanced.
  Chinese society is not getting worse. It’s just that in this information rich era, negative information takes on bigger and bigger proportions. In fact, the complaints of the public and the panic-stricken government are a reflection of the unrest caused by ongoing change.
  Facts are more convincing than rumors. The rise of China has repeatedly proved that current difficulties are temporary, partial and solvable.
Capital chain rupture poses a major risk during China’s economic transformation. No matter what regulation and supervision is imposed on the shadow banking system, it remains excessive or insufficient
7月 7日,国家发改委发布通知,要求切实做好《基础设施和公用事业特许经营管理办法》贯彻实施工作。通知提出了主动作为,加强统筹协调、完善政策,推动制度落实、积极引导,推广特许经营、广泛宣传,推进能力建设等四项重点任务。   此外,湖南省财政厅在门户网站正式公布了“全省第二批政府和社会资本合作(PPP)示范项目名单”,涉及基础设施、社会事业、生态环保、交通、文化旅游产业 5 大领域的52个项目入列该
【摘要】《潜水鸟》描写了印第安女孩皮格特迷茫、寻觅、幻灭、死亡的短暂一生,她的悲剧有西方资本主义文化与落后的部落文化相冲突的原因,也有主人公自身没有勇敢的去抗争这种社会现实的原因。小说运用象征手法贯穿了这一悲剧的发生。  【关键词】悲剧;抗争;象征    一、作品简介  玛格丽特·劳伦斯是二十世纪六七十年代加拿大文学复兴时期最具代表性的作家之一。劳伦斯曾在索马里居住过两年,在加纳生活过五年。非洲的