目的 :探讨严重急性呼吸综合征 (SevereAcuteRespiratorySyndrome ,SARS)冠状病毒抗体IgG的变化规律。方法 :采用间接酶联免疫 (ELISA)法 ,对 5 34例发病后 1~ 15 3天的SARS患者的血清特异性抗体IgG进行检测 ,并设置对照组进行比较。结果 :SARS患者血清IgG抗体阳性率为 5 8 1% ,对照组为 0 5 % ,两者具有显著性差异 (P =0 0 0 0 )。SARS患者中 ,临床症状出现后 1~ 10天、11~ 30天、31~ 6 0天、6 1~ 90天、91~ 12 0天、≥ 12 1天组冠状病毒抗体IgG的阳性率分别为 18 8% (3 16例 )、6 3 8% (37 5 8例 )、5 5 6 % (30 5 4例 )、5 1 4 % (71 138例 )、6 2 1% (15 9 2 5 6例 )、83 3% (10 12例 )。结论 :SARS患者发病初期IgG抗体阳性率低 ,第 11天后迅速上升 ,第 4、5个月时持续存在 ,但持续多长时间尚需进一步观察。
Objective: To investigate the variation of IgG in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) coronavirus. Methods: Serum specific IgG was detected in 534 SARS patients from 1 to 153 days after onset by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the control group was set up for comparison. Results: The positive rate of serum IgG antibody in patients with SARS was 58.1% and that in the control group was 0 5%. There was a significant difference (P = 0.0000). In SARS patients, the positive rates of IgG antibodies to coronavirus were 1 to 10 days, 11 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90 days, 91 to 120 days, and 121 days after onset of clinical symptoms, respectively 18 8% (3 16 cases), 6 3 8% (37 58 cases), 556% (30 5 4 cases), 51 4% (71 138 cases), 6 2 1% (15 9 2 5) 6 cases), 83 3% (10 12 cases). Conclusion: The positive rate of IgG antibody in the early stage of SARS patients is low, which rises rapidly after the 11th day and persists in the 4th and 5th month. However, the duration of the IgG antibody needs further observation.