Susan Sontag, a famous feminist, American novelist and critic, is considered as one of the most important theoretical critics of our time. Although Sontag’s influence spans many aspects of the cultural world, many of Sontag’s critiques abound, but there are few books that systematically study his ideas and creations, and his research on his novels is far less common . “Reflective Literature: Susan Sontag’s Art Research” (2013) fills the gap in this area. The book has three major advantages: a clear structure, chapters and orderly; focused, innovative point of view; point of view dialectical, rigorous argument. As a result of the study of humanities and social sciences by the Ministry of Education, the publication of “Reflective Literature: The Art Research of the Novels of Susan Sontag” marks that the domestic research of Sontag has reached or even surpassed the international researches of the same kind.