访谈嘉宾简介:燕斯·奥尔伍德(Jens Allwood),瑞典哥德堡大学、延雪平大学教授,哥德堡大学跨学科研究中心主任,北欧跨文化传播协会主席。主要研究语言学、跨文化传播。代表作包括《语言学逻辑》《人类传播多元模型研究框架》《具象传播类型学》等。从2015年开始,燕斯·奥尔伍德教授与武汉大学媒体发展研究中心合作举办跨文化传播夏令营,第一届夏令营期间,单波教授对他进行了访谈,形成了广泛而深入的交流。
Interview with guest speakers: Jens Allwood, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Professor of Jönköping University, Director of Interdisciplinary Research Center, University of Gothenburg and Chairman of the Nordic Intercultural Communication Association. Main research linguistics, intercultural communication. Representatives include “linguistic logic”, “multi-model human communication research framework” and “specific typology of communication”. Since 2015, Professor Yansi Aaluow has collaborated with the Media Development Research Center of Wuhan University in organizing a cross-cultural communication summer camp. During the first summer camp, Prof. Bo solicited him and conducted extensive and in-depth exchanges.