马来西亚国土面积约33.252万平方千米,约有3000万人,其中马来人约占6 7.4%,其次为华人与印度人,分别约占24.6%及7.3%,其他少数民族占0.7%。至2013年,年均所得超过1万美元的家庭占总人口75.7%以上,消费能力也逐年增加。马来西亚是东南亚第三大经济体,市场潜力颇大。近几年,马来西亚表现突出,受到许多中资企业和个人投资者的青睐。在“一带一路”政策带动下,中马之间的战略合作再上新台阶。
Malaysia has a land area of about 332,252 square kilometers and about 30 million people, of whom about 6.44% are Malay, followed by Chinese and Indians, accounting for 24.6% and 7.3% respectively, while other ethnic minorities make up 0.7%. By 2013, the average annual income of more than 10,000 US dollars of the families of the total population of 75.7% or more, spending power also increased year by year. Malaysia is the third largest economy in Southeast Asia, with great market potential. In recent years, Malaysia has achieved outstanding performance and is favored by many Chinese-funded enterprises and individual investors. Driven by the “Belt and Road” policy, the strategic cooperation between China and Malaysia takes a new level.