首次报道在北方高寒地区用玉米秸秆做主料,利用简易菇棚夏季栽培双孢蘑菇的高产栽培技术. 试验研究和推广结果表明:利用成本低廉、易于建造的简易菇棚用于玉米秸秆生产双孢蘑菇,生物效率达 到了 48%,每平方米的产量达到了 9.6kg.
For the first time reported in the northern alpine region with corn stalks as the main ingredient, the use of simple mushroom shed cultivation Agaricus bisporus high-yielding cultivation techniques. The experimental research and promotion results show that the simple mushroom shed with low cost and easy construction can be used to produce Agaricus bisporus with corn stover, the biological efficiency reaches 48%, and the output per square meter reaches 9.6kg.