Ji mushrooms, also known as small mushrooms, mushroom cover gray, gray-brown or gray, mushroom handle white. Caps with a long handle and delicious taste, taste crisp mouth, Ji mushroom nutritious, rich in protein, sugar, fat, vitamins and iron, calcium and other trace elements, long-term consumption, reduce hypertension and cholesterol function. Pleurotus is a low-temperature mushroom-like mushrooms, fruiting temperature 2 ~ 24 ℃, the best fruiting temperature 8 ℃ ~ 15 ℃, good cultivation. There are a large number of ramie cultivation in our province, ramie per acre can produce about 500kg of ramie stalks, most of ramie stalks burned, both waste of resources, but also pollute the environment. In order to smash ramie numbness, cultivated Ji mushrooms, explore the ramie cultivation of mushroom technology.