谢艾非 1954年生,曾就读于福建艺术学校、福建师范大学美术系、进修于上海戏剧学院舞美系。现为中国美术家协会会员、中国水彩画学会会员、中国油画学会团体会员、中国舞台美术学会福建分会会员、福建艺术学校高级讲师。长期从事舞台美术设计及美术教学工作,潜心研习水彩画,追求具有现代感及个性的形式空间,
Xie Ai Fei was born in 1954 and studied at the Fujian Art School and the Fine Arts Department of Fujian Normal University. She studied at the Department of Dance and Fine Arts, Shanghai Theater Academy. Now he is a member of Chinese Artists Association, a member of Chinese Watercolor Society, a member of China Oil Painting Society, a member of Fujian Branch of China Stage Art Association, and a senior lecturer of Fujian Art School. Has long been engaged in stage art design and art teaching, painstaking study of watercolor, the pursuit of a modern and personal form of space,