耳鸣为耳科临床常见症状之一,其广义分为两种:一种为听神经的非听觉性刺激引起的自觉性耳鸣;另一种为体内存在之运动机转传至听器引起的他觉性耳鸣具有真正的声波能量,能用仪器记录下来其声音,他人可听到,此种耳鸣少见,我科有记载的6例,现报告如下。 6例他觉性耳鸣中,男3例,女3例,年龄6~24岁。病程最短5d,最长8年。主述均有他人可闻之耳鸣,最远距1米可闻,近者用听筒才能听得。诊断:肌性4例,血管性2例,肌性病例中软腭震颤2例,鼓膜张肌阵挛1例,咽鼓管肌阵挛1例。治疗获满意效果。
Tinnitus is one of the common clinical symptoms of otology, which is broadly divided into two types: one is the non-auditory stimulation of the auditory nerve caused by conscious tinnitus; the other is the movement of the body present to the hearing aids caused by his hearing Sexual tinnitus has a real acoustic energy, can record its sound with the instrument, others can hear, rare tinnitus, my department has recorded 6 cases are as follows. 6 cases of his hearing tinnitus, 3 males and 3 females, aged 6 to 24 years old. The shortest duration of 5d, up to 8 years. The narrative is tinnitus of others can hear, the most distant 1 meters can be heard, near with handset to hear. Diagnosis: muscular in 4 cases, vascular in 2 cases, muscle palate in 2 cases of soft palate, muscular dystonia clonus in 1 case, eustachym tube myoclonus in 1 case. Treatment was satisfactory results.