张超 男,河北省衡水市阜城县古城中学英语一级教师,市及英语优秀教师。从事英语教育教学工作24年。多年来,在省级以上报刊《中学生英语》、《学英语》、《英语周报》、《校园英语》、《中学生语数外》等发表文章数百篇,并有多篇论文获奖。曾参编高中版教辅资料《天天向上》、《三维方案》的编写工作,曾荣获“中央教育科学研究所全国基础教育科研先进个人”荣誉称号。辅导多名学生在省、市和国家级英语竞赛中多人次获奖。
Two Young Trees
I planted two young trees in front of my house the year before last. One was supported by two sticks, and① the other wasn’t. Last Sunday I thought the tree was enough strong②, so I moved the two sticks away from the tree. In a strong wind last night, the one which had been supported by the sticks was blowing③ down, while the other wasn’t. Why is this happening? The reason is very simple: The one which hadn’t been supported by the sticks had experienced much wind and rain and was much more④ stronger. That shows that all young people should face the world and the storm bravely.
(河北省衡水市阜城县古城中学9年级2班 门月起)
1. 优点:
2. 需要修改的地方:
②enough strong改为strong enough。enough作副词修饰形容词或副词时,要后置。
④去掉more。more 不能修饰比较级。
3. 评分:
Two Young Trees
I planted two young trees in front of my house the year before last. One was supported by two sticks, and① the other wasn’t. Last Sunday I thought the tree was enough strong②, so I moved the two sticks away from the tree. In a strong wind last night, the one which had been supported by the sticks was blowing③ down, while the other wasn’t. Why is this happening? The reason is very simple: The one which hadn’t been supported by the sticks had experienced much wind and rain and was much more④ stronger. That shows that all young people should face the world and the storm bravely.
(河北省衡水市阜城县古城中学9年级2班 门月起)
1. 优点:
2. 需要修改的地方:
②enough strong改为strong enough。enough作副词修饰形容词或副词时,要后置。
④去掉more。more 不能修饰比较级。
3. 评分: