灌肠类肉制品食用方便,深受消费者的喜爱,其卫生质量的优劣,直接关系到广大消费者的食用安全和身体健康。为了解灌肠类肉制品的卫生质量状况,我们开展了这项调查工作,为加强对灌肠类肉制品卫生监督,提供了科学依据。1 样品来源与方法 从当地肉制品厂和市售灌肠类制品经销点随机抽取被检样品108份,其中香肠26份,肉肠24份,红肠16份,火腿肠30份,香肚12份,按最新检验方法进行,并按GB 2725.1—94和GB10147—88进行评价。将样品按感官指标检查,分为优、次、劣质品三个等级。
Edible enema meat products easy to eat, loved by consumers, the health quality of the merits, directly related to the general consumer food safety and physical health. In order to understand the hygienic quality status of sausage meat products, we carried out this investigation and provided a scientific basis for strengthening the hygiene supervision of sausage meat products. A sample of sources and methods from the local meat products factory and commercial enema products distribution point randomly selected 108 samples were seized, including 26 sausages, sausage 24, sausage 16, sausage 30, incense 12 , According to the latest test methods, according to GB 2725.1-94 and GB10147-88 for evaluation. The sample by sensory indicators check, divided into excellent, inferior, inferior three levels.