啤酒瓶爆炸,致人伤残,已不是什么新鲜事。“爆炸”问题,已成为不大不小的社会问题,随着啤酒行业上规模,扩大生产,大小企业纷纷上马的今天,大有越炸越凶之势。常言道:不怕一万,就怕万一。对消费者来说,倒不是到了谈“酒”色变的程度,起码也是提心吊胆,心有余悸,只怕这个“万一”落在自己头上。 据报道,中国消费者协会称,近一个时期,仅对8个地方消协不完全统计,1994年三季度以来,因啤酒瓶爆炸致人伤事件能达300余起,其中被炸伤眼睛
The explosion of a beer bottle, causing injuries, is nothing new. The “explosion” problem has become a matter of minor social problems. With the scale of the beer industry, the expansion of production, and the large and small enterprises have launched, there is a big explosion. As the saying goes: If you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it. For consumers, it is not the extent to which they talk about the change of “wine”. At the very least, it is also a matter of fear and fear. I am afraid that this “in case” falls on my head. According to reports, the Consumers Association of China reported that in nearly a period of time, there were incomplete statistics for only 8 local associations. Since the third quarter of 1994, more than 300 accidents due to explosions in beer bottles have been reported, including injuries to the eyes.