与空荡荡的四壁相比,梁晓声家的一面贴着泛黄壁纸的墙上到处挂满了一尺见方的画,画框形状各异,粗略一数,竞有二十幅之多,刚想说两句“有艺术感觉”之类的话,梁晓声开口道:“全是从街上买的地摊货,倒不是我多喜欢艺术,这些画都是我用来给墙打补丁的,只要有一个地方的墙纸破了,我就买幅画挡上,没想到最后快挂满了。”脚下那由蓝转绿的印花地板革无声地也在诉说着房间的年龄,它的风华正茂是属于上世纪八十年代的,让人想起主人的那些作品。 梁晓声很低调,尽管稍有点文化的人听到这个名字都会联想到当年那让人热血
Compared with the empty four walls, Liang Xiaosheng home side of the yellow wallpaper wall covered with a square foot square painting, frame different shapes, a rough number, competing for as many as 20, just want Saying something like “art feeling ” and the like, Liang Xiaosheng spoke: “all bought from the street to spread the goods, not that I like art, these paintings are all I used to patch the wall, As long as there is a place where the wallpaper is broken, I will buy a painting block, did not expect the last full hang up. ”At the foot of the printed green from the blue floor leather silent also tell the age of the room, Mau belongs to the eighties of the last century, reminiscent of those masterpieces of those works. Liang Xiaosheng very low profile, although a little bit of culture, people will think of that name will be reminisced that year was so passionate