1984年10月17日联邦德国联邦铁路用 E120型三相交流电力机车120001-3号样机在奥格斯堡至多瑙尔特区段进行了牵引试验。该样机挂有三节头等客车(车龄16年),一节二等客车和一节测试车,试验时速达265km。10月8日用120005-4号样机在弗兰肯林区铁路普雷西格—罗滕基尔辛至施泰因巴赫区段成功地进行了起动试验,线路坡度27‰,牵引重量780t,曲线半径300m。在潮湿线路上的起动也很成功,而用于对比试验的普通151系列重型货运
October 17, 1984 Federal Republic of Germany Federal Railroad E120-type three-phase AC electric locomotive No. 120001-3 prototype traction test in Augsburg to Donaute section. The prototype hung three first-class buses (16 years old), a second-class passenger car and a test car at a test speed of 265km. On October 8, the prototype of No. 120005-4 was successfully tested in the Prezent-Rotenkirchen-Steinbach section of the Franconian Railway with a slope of 27 ‰ and a towing weight of 780t. Curve radius 300m. Start-up on damp lines was also successful, while the conventional 151 series heavy cargo for comparative tests