在我国现代文坛,梁实秋、周作人二位作家,称得上是当之无愧的美食家,他们不但喜吃善吃,且对吃的文化颇有研究,平生写下了大量的谈美食的散文。梁实秋的《雅舍谈吃》和周作人的《知堂谈吃》,早就被人视为散文的精品,读之深沉隽永,耐人寻味。 当代作家中有美食家之誉者更是不乏其人,汪曾祺就是其中之一。这位写小说的高手,对食道颇是精通,他若与人谈起吃来,会喜形于色,兴致不亚于写小说。他有一癖好与同行不大一样,作家们上街大都爱钻书店、逛书摊,而他却喜欢逛菜市场,看看生鸡活鸭,鲜
In our country’s modern literary world, Liang Shiqiu and Zhou Zuoren writers deserve to be well-deserved gourmet. They not only enjoy eating and drinking delicately, but also have a lot of studies on eating culture. Liang Shih-ch’iu’s “Yashe talkative eating” and Zhou Zuoren’s “Chodang talkative eating” have long been regarded as the best essay. They are meaningful and meaningful reading. There is no shortage of fame among contemporary writers in food industry. Wang Zengqi is one of them. The master of the novel, is quite proficient in the esophagus, if he talked about with people eat, will be overjoyed, no less interested in writing novels. He has a hobby and colleagues are not the same, most writers go to the streets to love the bookstore, visiting bookstalls, but he likes to visit the vegetable market, take a look at raw chicken live duck, fresh