1999年《财富》杂志发展最快的公司名单引人注目。这100家公司不仅在利润和收益方面取得了惊人的增长,其中许多公司还为投资者创造了引人注目的收益。实际上,其中2/3的公司的业绩都优于3年来迅猛上升的标准一薄耳氏500家公司。三年来,标准一薄耳氏500家公司收益每年上升28%,而这里典型的公司收益率上升39%。 这些公司是如何实现迅猛发展的呢?表面上看它们没有什么共同点。它们中有技术公司、玩具制造商、铁路经营者,甚至还有重型卡车生产商,都具有独特的企业文化。但如果不考虑它们各自独特的风格,这100家公司并非如此截然不同。我们发现了它们取得迅速发展的七大秘密。
The list of the fastest-growing companies in Fortune magazine in 1999 attracted eyebrows. These 100 companies have not only made spectacular gains in profits and profits, many of which have also created compelling returns for investors. In fact, two-thirds of the companies’ performance is better than the sharply rising standard of a thin 500 company in three years. In the past three years, the revenue of standard-a-brain 500 companies has risen by 28% every year, and the typical company’s yield has risen by 39%. How do these companies achieve rapid development? On the surface, they have nothing in common. Among them are technology companies, toy manufacturers, railway operators, and even heavy truck manufacturers, all with a unique corporate culture. But if you do not consider their unique style, these 100 companies are not so different. We have discovered the seven secrets of their rapid development.