1931年4月至1937年7月,闽赣省委委员,闽北分区委书记,军分区政委、司令员兼闽北独立师师长黄立贵同志,曾在邵武战斗和活动14次,直至抛头颅洒热血青山埋忠骨,谱写了可歌可泣的壮丽诗篇。 1931年4月,方志敏率红十军从江西铅山石塘出发,翻越武夷山,消灭了龟缩在紫安坑口和长涧源之敌,长驱直下攻取了赤石,歼灭了敌海军陆战队林秉周旅一个团的大部。挥师回赣之时,方志敏决定把黄立贵为营长的军部特务营留在闽北。从此,黄立贵就和闽北的劳苦大众结下不解之缘,转战于闽北大地。
From April 1931 to July 1937, Comrade Huang Ligui, member of the Minbei Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Northern Fujian Regional Party Committee, political commissar and commander of the Minzu District and independent division teacher of Northern Fujian, fought and fought 14 times in Shaowu until the thrown head Sprinkle blood on the Castle Peak loyal bone, wrote epic epic poems. In April 1931, Fang Zhimin led the Red Army starting from Shitang, in Yushan, Jiangxi, over Wuyishan, eradicating the enemy who had shrunk to the mouth of Zui’an and the Changjiangyuan, flew away from Akesu, and annihilated the enemy’s Marines, Most of the group. When he reclaimed the army, Fang Zhimin decided to retain the military spy battalion of Huang Ligui as his battalion in northern Fujian. Since then, Huang Ligui and laborers in northern Fujian forged a bond, fought in the earth in northern Fujian.