In the 20th century, with the advent of the digital age based on emerging technologies, the new media has become an increasingly important part of all walks of life. The era of all-media has arrived. The development of technology has promoted the consumption behavior of consumers and the change of media contact habits. The consumer groups gradually subdivided and gradually developed into niches. The rise of new media also naturally provides the most effective media for the rapid development of the advertising industry. For example, once the traditional outdoor advertising, now with LED, LCD digital new media package, greatly enhance the visual expression, enhance the dissemination of information results. For example, the use of peer-to-peer new media formats such as e-mail and cell messaging has also become more and more accepted and well-known to consumers as a distortion upgrade to traditional DM light. And with the development of the characteristics of new media, advertising carriers and performance content are also different, for different consumer groups will also use different new media features for advertising design.