1941年8月21日夜,德国柏林纳粹广播电台的播音员正在兴致勃勃地向全国播放新闻:“德军已取得重大胜利,苏联红军正向第聂伯河以东节节败退。” 突然,德国的听众惊奇地听到另一个声音插入:“谎言,愚弄听众的可耻谎言!” 之后,播音员每读一条新闻,都随之传来与之针锋相对的声音。最后,播音员不得不停止报告新闻,换上音乐。 几天之后,那个用尖刻而机智的语言与德国新闻广播针锋相对的声音又出现了。
On the night of August 21, 1941, broadcasters from Nazi Berlin in Germany were enthusiastically broadcasting the news to the whole country: “The Germans have achieved a great victory and the Soviet Red Army is retreating to the east of the Dnieper.” Suddenly, the audience in Germany was surprised To hear another voice insert: “lies, fool the audience's shameful lies!”, The announcer each read a news, followed by a diametrically opposed voice. Finally, the announcer had to stop reporting news and put on the music. A few days later, the voice of the German news broadcast appeared again in a sharp and witty language.