海纳·米勒(Heiner Muller)是当代德语戏剧文学的重要代表作家之一,他于1929年生于萨克森的一个小职员家庭,幼年家庭生活贫困,二战期间被迫入伍服役。米勒没有受过什么高等教育,由于父亲的影响,他自小热爱文学,少年时期就读完了席勒的全部作品。战争结束后,他回到故乡,读完了中学,之后又参加了一个写作训练班。1951年,他的父母逃往西部,他则到了东柏林,在《星期日》杂志做编辑工作,同年开始创作他的第一个剧本《战役》。之后的几个剧本,如《廉价劳动力》(1956)、《修正》(1957)、《建设》(1965),都因“不符合社会主义现实主义创作要求”,或引起争议,或遭到批评,或禁止上演。70年代
Heiner Muller is one of the important representative writers in contemporary German dramatic literature. He was born in 1929 in a small staff family in Saxony. His family was impoverished and forced to serve in World War II. Miller did not have any higher education, because of his father’s influence, he loved literature since childhood, Schiller finished his childhood works. After the war, he returned to his hometown, finished his high school, and later joined a writing training class. His parents fled to the west in 1951, went to East Berlin, did editorial work in the Sunday magazine, and in the same year he started his first play “Battle.” Several subsequent plays such as “Cheap Labor” (1956), “Amendment” (1957), and “Construction” (1965) were either controversial or criticized for “inconsistent with the requirements of socialist realism” , Or banned. 70’s