日前,浓雾笼罩的川西平原某高地,突然集结了大批军民。“砰”、“砰”、“砰”、随着3发红色信号弹腾空而起,倾刻间,群山中,枪炮齐鸣,大地震颤。“加强步兵营高寒山地进攻战斗”打响了。 透过浓浓的硝烟,记者看到一个个身穿迷彩作战服、佩戴“Y”字臂章的“老”战士,冒着枪林弹雨勇猛地向“敌”前沿扑去。他们果敢顽强的战斗作风、娴熟灵活的战术动作,给观礼席上的首长留下了深刻印象。某集团军军长称赞:“这个预备役团的官兵真棒!”
Recently, a thick fog of a plateau in the western Sichuan Plain, suddenly assembled a large number of soldiers and civilians. “Bang”, “bang”, “bang”, with 3 red signal flares erected, dumping moment, the mountains, guns all over, the earth tremors. “Strengthening the alpine mountain infantry battalion offensive battle” has started. Through thick smoke, the reporters saw “old” warriors wearing camouflage combat uniforms and wearing “Y” armbands and bravely attacked the “enemy” front in brave bullets. Their brave and tenacious fighting style, skilled and flexible tactical action, to the observance of the chief left a deep impression. A group army commander praised: “This reserve corps officers and men awesome!”