Patient Male, 31 years old, suffering from unpleasant upper left abdominal distention in January, left upper quadrant pain nine days on June 12, 1992 admitted. 1 month ago there was no obvious incentive to appear left upper quadrant distention and discomfort, do not think of diet, taking “food mother ” and other drugs, the symptoms slightly improved, 9 days ago, symptoms aggravated, accompanied by left upper quadrant pain. No past history of hepatitis, tuberculosis and schistosome close contact history, personal history, family history no special. Physical examination: body temperature 36.2 ℃, pulse 80 beats / min, breathing 20 beats / min, blood pressure 16 / 12kPa, automatic position, consciousness, chronic disease, systemic skin and mucous membrane without bleeding and ecchymosis, systemic superficial lymph nodes without swelling, Thoracic deformity, lungs (a), heart rate 80 beats / min, law Qi, no smell and pathological noise, left upper quadrant bulging, splenic touch of umbilical, tenderness, percussion pain Normal beep, spinal curvature, limb muscle strength V