玛丽安·布兰登曾剪辑《无尽的爱》、《星际迷航:暗黑无界》、《驯龙高手》等知名电影,是好莱坞著名女剪辑师,曾凭借《星球大战7:原力觉醒》荣获2016年奥斯卡的最佳剪辑奖。2016年12月她于NABShow Shanghai发表了主题演讲,并接受了我刊专访,畅聊关于如何剪辑,如何更好讲故事的心得。
Marian Brandon has edited many well-known films such as Endless Love, Star Trek: Diablo without Boundaries and How to Train Your Dragon, a famous Hollywood female editor who won the award with Star Wars 7: The Awakening of Force Oscars 2016 Best Clips Awards. In December 2016, she delivered a keynote speech at NABShow Shanghai and accepted an interview with me for a quick talk on how to edit and how to tell a story better.