The agreement signed by Soviet Union and France 20 years ago laid the guiding principle for joint scientific research between the two countries. Space research, man-made earth satellite communications, the exchange of scientific information, the exchange of field staff and scientific delegations, and the organization of symposiums . Under the agreement, such cooperation can also be extended to other areas. One of them is space biology and space medicine. In recent years, scientists from the Soviet Union and France have also begun technical experiments on space materials. The actual work of organizing joint space studies was entrusted to the Cosmic Commission under the leadership of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the French National Space Research Center. In this way, the cooperation of Soviet-French scientists practically covers every area of modern space science. But the scope of cooperation is not limited to these. First, I would like to point out the depth of research and the high quality standards for multilayered experiments. Various types of spacecraft used in the Soviet Union and in France are: various lunar probes, space stations, man-made earth satellites, manned orbital stations, high-altitude sounding rockets, flight laboratories, high-altitude drifting balloons and surface facilities such as radio telescopes, Light camera and other equipment. I would like to discuss three questions from many scientific projects completed by Soviet and French scientists.