硝酸甘油被广泛用于治疗心绞痛、急性心肌梗死、慢性心力衰竭100多年。持续或频繁给药会导致硝酸甘油的血流动力学效应减弱甚至消失,或者需要更大剂量来维持有效的作用即硝酸甘油耐药现象。关于硝酸甘油的生物转化和耐药机制,近年来获得许多新的认识,特别是线粒体乙醛脱氢酶和氧化应激学说。现将对它们进行重点介绍和讨论。“,”For more than 100 years, nitroglycerin has been a common treatment for angina pectoris , acute myocardial infarction , and congestive heart failure .After continuous or frequent application , either the hemodynamic effects are lost or higher dosages are needed to maintain the same effects .Recent studies have revealed that mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase plays an important role in the biotransfor -mation of nitroglycerin .These studies have also identified the role of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of nitroglycerin tolerance .This review looks at current research in the biotransformation of nitroglycerin and nitroglycerin tolerance .