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随着世界经济全球化进程的不断加速,实施“走出去”战略是造纸企业发展的必然趋势。关于造纸企业国际化模式问题已有诸多讨论。本文从法律的角度全面地分析与探讨了造纸企业走出去的法律困境,同时对于促进造纸企业发展海外投资提出了规避风险的防范措施。 With the accelerating globalization of the world economy, the implementation of the “going out” strategy is an inevitable trend for the development of papermaking enterprises. There have been many discussions on the mode of internationalization of papermaking enterprises. This paper comprehensively analyzes and probes into the legal difficulties of the paper-making enterprises going out from the perspective of law and at the same time puts forward some countermeasures for avoiding the risks for the paper-making enterprises to develop their overseas investment.
Learning from lessons of underestimating the economic growth and misunderstanding electric elasticity factor in the power forecast conducted a few years ago, in
上海交大外语学院《科技英语学习》编辑部尊敬的编辑先生:你好!感谢你们,呕心沥血,不辞劳苦,出色地编辑了311期EST Learning,使不少学子从中获益良多。拜读贵刊2006年7月号(
厌烦了向人道谢的时候总是说“Thanks”、“Thank you!”?下面就教你一些“不同凡响”的道谢语,可以派上大用场!!热情洋溢的“谢谢”:1.Ireally appreciate it.我很感谢。2.Y
江西抚州的王安石少有大志,负籍远游,曾挑着书箱行李,从家乡临川,来到宜黄鹿岗芗林书院求学。在名师杜子野先生指导下,他勤奋苦读,每至深夜。  一日,王安石翻阅王仁裕《开元天宝遗事》,得知李白梦见自己所用的笔头上长了一朵美丽的花,因此,才思横溢,后来名闻天下。于是他拿着书问杜子野先生:“先生,人世间难道真会有生花笔吗?”  杜子野正色道:“当然有啊!事实上有的笔头会长花,有的笔头不会长,只是我们的肉眼
She had been shopping with her mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over
观察蜗牛  其他花的种子  会动的玩具
以知识、技术和资本密集型重大技术装备为代表的装备制造业的技术水平,直接影响和决定一个地区的工业水平。要把柳州打造成先进工业的制造基地,就必须 The technical level