众所周知,农村电商已经成为各大电商巨头掘金的下一个蓝海,但“最后一公里”这个让农村电商发展掣肘的关键性问题也逐渐浮出水面。其实,在农村物流发展过程中“最后一公里”和“最初一公里”的问题由来已久并且广泛存在,在农村电子商务迅猛发展的今天,查找这个的问题的成因,探讨解决这个问题的途径和方法,就显得尤为必要。最后一公里(Last kilometer),在英美也被称为“Last Mile”原意指完成长途跋涉的最后一段里程,后被引申为完成一件事最后的关键性步骤。近年来,这一概念逐
As we all know, rural e-commerce has become the next blue-eagle of the major electricity supplier giant Nuggets, but “the last mile ” the key issues that make rural e-commerce development constraints gradually surfaced. In fact, the problem of “last mile ” and “the first kilometer ” in the process of rural logistics development has existed for a long time and is widespread. With the rapid development of rural e-commerce today, the causes of this problem are explored and discussed The ways and methods of this issue seem particularly necessary. The Last kilometer, also known as “Last Mile” in Anglo-American, originally meant the last mile on a long journey, and was later cited as the last crucial step in one thing. In recent years, this concept has gone by