由于腹泻的发病机理复杂,引起腹泻的疾病又很多,故医生在实践中有以下几种不同的分类方法: 1.按病程分为急性腹泻与慢性腹泻两种。 2.从病理生理的角度可分为:①渗出性腹泻;②分泌性腹泻;③高渗性(渗透性)腹泻;④吸收不良性腹泻;⑤运动性(胃肠蠕动加速性)腹泻。
Due to the complex pathogenesis of diarrhea, causing diarrhea and a lot of diseases, so doctors in practice there are several different classification methods: 1. According to the course of the disease is divided into two types of acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea. 2. Pathophysiology can be divided into: ① exudative diarrhea; ② secretory diarrhea; ③ hypertonic (osmotic) diarrhea; ④ malabsorption of diarrhea; ⑤ exercise (gastrointestinal motility accelerated) diarrhea.