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最近翻《绍兴百年妇女运动史》,方知在风云激荡的20世纪初,被毛泽东誉为“鉴湖越台名士乡”的绍兴为中国革命奉献的不仅仅有鉴湖女侠秋瑾,还有被孙中山先生誉为浙江女英雄的尹氏姐妹尹锐志和尹维峻——时人则将这一对姐妹与秋瑾共称为“中国近代史中女界之三杰”。许是秋瑾声名太大掩去他人芬芳,才使愚昧如我者在人生的前三十年,竟然不知有这两位传奇女性,曾为中国历史画下浓墨重彩的一笔。尹锐志和尹维峻是嵊县人,母亲早亡,自幼由外祖母抚养成人。1904年,光复会成员谢震等人在家乡嵊县创办爱华女校。尹锐志不顾外祖母强烈反对,到爱华女校读书,从此走向社会。尹锐志经常为革命党人通风报信,由此加入了光复会。在她的带动下,当时只有9岁的尹维峻也参加了光复会,恐怕是年龄最小的光复会会员了。1905年,秋瑾把她们姐妹从嵊县带到由徐锡麟、蔡元培等人创办的绍兴明道女学,也把她们带入了革命之路。 In the recent turmoil of the early twentieth century, Shaoxing, hailed by Mao Tse-tung as “a famous township of Kam Lake, Taiwan and Taiwan”, recently renounced the history of the “100-year history of women’s movement in Shaoxing”. Not only is Jianghu Woman Qiu Jin , And Yinshi Zhi Yin Ruizhi and Yin Weijun, Yin’s sister who was hailed as the heroine of Zhejiang by Sun Yat-sen - are often called the “Three Genes of Women in Modern Chinese History” by the pair of sisters and Qiu Jin. Xu Qiujin reputation too much to mask the fragrance of others, only to make ignorance as I who in the first three decades of life, even though I do not know these two legendary women, once painted a thick ink for Chinese history. Yin Rui Zhi and Yin Weijun is Sheng County, the mother died early, since childhood raised by the grandmother adult. In 1904, Xie Zhen, a member of the Kuomintang Association, founded Aihua Girls’ School in his hometown of Shengzhou. Regardless of her strong opposition from her grandmother, Yin Ruizhi went to Aihua Women’s School to study in the community. Yin Ruizhi often reportedly mesmerized the revolutionaries and joined the Kuomintang. Under her leadership, Yin Weijun, who was 9 years old at that time, also participated in the Kuomintang Society, probably the youngest Kuomintang member. In 1905, Qiu Jin took their sisters from Shengzhou County to Shaoxing Mingdao Girls’ School founded by Xu Xilin and Cai Yuanpei, who brought them into the road of revolution.
目的 研究餐后2小时C肽(C2)与CRP及尿酸(UA)在糖尿病周围神经病变中的相关性.方法 选取2018年1月至7月,我院就诊的78例2型糖尿病周围神经病变患者作观察组,78例无神经病变2型
目的:探讨军事训练中初步筛查运动性猝死高危人员的方法.方法:于 2016 年 1 月--2018 年 12 月,选取某部拟参加越野训练(5km)官兵 500 名.所有官兵均接受体格检查和问卷调查,筛
目的 个性化护理干预对肝胆外科围手术期护理中生活质量及并发症的影响.方法 选取本院2019年3月——2020年3月肝胆外科围手术患者450例作为研究的对象,计算机随机分配为两组,
目的 分析妊娠期高血压(妊高症)患者治疗中应用硫酸镁联合拉贝洛尔的作用.方法 通过分别研究硫酸镁与拉贝洛尔的药理学特性与药理作用,以总结出妊高症患者应用硫酸镁与拉贝洛
金秋时节 ,我国著名的竹荪之乡。贵州省历史文化名城———织金 ,处处洋溢着节日的喜庆气氛。首届贵州竹荪、溶洞节暨丁宝桢诞辰 1 80周年学术研讨会 ,于 9月1~ 2日在这里隆重