,Eggs of Ephestia kuehniella and Ceratitis capitata, and motile stages of the astigmatid mites Tyrop

来源 :中国昆虫科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:close_2003
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Several factitious foods were assessed for rearing the anthocorid predators Orius thripoborus (Hesse) and Orius naivashae (Poppius) (Hemiptera:Anthocoridae) in the laboratory.Developmental and reproductive traits of both Orius species were examined when offered frozen eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth,Ephestia kuehniella Zeller,frozen processed eggs of the medfly,Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann,or mixed motile stages of the astigmatid mites Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) or Carpoglyphus lactis (L).Whereas C.lactis and T.putresecentiae proved to be an inferior food for rearing O.thripoborus and O.naivashae,eggs of C.capitata fully supported development and reproduction of both predators.Results on medfly eggs were similar or slightly inferior to those on E.kuehniella eggs,which is the standard food for culturing these anthocorid bugs.O.thripoborus could be maintained for 4 consecutive generations on C.capitata eggs indicating that processed medfly eggs can be a suitable and cheaper alteative to E.kuehniella eggs for prolonged rearing of these Orius spp.
灰霉病(Botrytis cinerea)是葡萄采后病害中最具毁灭性的病害之一。长期以来,SO2熏蒸等被认为是最有效的防治措施。随着人们对于农药残留、环境污染以及人类健康等方面的不断
Accurate species-level identifications underpin many aspects of basic and applied biology;however,identifications can be hampered by a lack of discriminating mo
The fall armyworm,Spodopterafrugiperda,is a species native to the Americas and has spread to many countries in Africa and Asia in recent years.Proactive actions