秘鲁境内的马拉尼翁河(Maranon,Rio)是亚马逊河的主源头,她源出秘鲁中部劳里科查湖(Lauricocha)之上覆雪的安第斯山区,恰好位于亚马逊低地和安第斯高地相接之处。这一带不是高山峡谷就是繁茂雨林,在人们的印象中向来被认为是文明的蛮荒之地,因而一直以来,在这块区域展开的考古研究工作很少,屈指可数的几次工作包括1961年佩德罗哈斯庞塞(Pedro Rojas Ponce)在哈恩(Jaen)主持的一些工作,以及20世纪七八十年代,露丝索利斯博士(Ruth Shady Solis)在巴瓜(Bagua)的一些工作了。
The main source of the Amazon River is Peru’s Maranon (Rio), a source of snow-covered Andes above Lake Lauricocha in central Peru, right in the lower Amazon and the Andean highlands Where. This area is not a mountain valley or a lush rainforest. It has always been considered a wild and civilized place in people’s minds. As a result, there have been very few archaeological studies conducted in this area. Among the few that include the 1961 Some of Pedro Rojas Ponce’s work in Jaen, and some of Ruth Shady Solis’s work in Bagua in the 1970s and 1980s It’s