该文探讨妊娠高血压综合征(pregnancy-induced hypertension,PIH)对妇女远期心脑血管事件的影响。方法:采用双向性队列研究设计,选择1976-10-2008-12期间在开滦医疗集团住院分娩且参加2006-07-2007-10健康体检的4630例妇女组成观
This article discusses the impact of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) on long-term cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in women. Methods: The bidirectional cohort study design was used to select the 4630 women who were hospitalized and delivered to Kailuan Medical Group during 1976-10-2008-12 and took part in the 2006-07-2007-10 healthy physical examination