In 1987, Japan’s first kabuki female art artist Bando Jade Saburo made a special trip to Beijing to study the Peking Opera “Drunken Beauty” step-by-step, water sleeves program based on decades of his grandfather and father and Mei Lanfang Deep affection. In 2007, Bando Jade Saburo made a special trip to Suzhou to follow the Kunqu Opera “Peony Pavilion” directed by Zhang Jiqing. In his opinion, this is the journey to find the roots of Japanese drama. Intriguingly, Taro Bando’s pursuit of “roots” by Peking Opera and Kunqu opera has already happened to Japanese people as early as 1919 and the 1915 Japan operas by Mei Lanfang Beijing Opera, Kunqu Opera is Japan’s drama “root ” argument. The search for “Taro” of Bando Jade Saburo is the historical echoes of the Japanese drama search for “root” course in the last hundred years. The measure of it is the classic remains of Kunqu Opera - “The Peony Pavilion.”