相传,尧时有老农于路旁击壤而歌,以后“击壤歌”就被看作是太平盛世的象征,故又称“太平歌”。为此,陆游有诗云:“击壤歌太平”。 古之“击壤歌”为何?现已不得而知。然而,在甘肃中部、陇西故地的民间至今还流传着一种深受当地人们喜爱的“太平歌”。每至新春(或其他农闲季节)晚饭之后,锣鼓声阵阵相催,人们不约而同地相聚在街头、巷尾、村口、场院,演唱活动常至深夜,有时甚至通宵达旦。
According to legend, when the old peasants in Yao Road hit the soil and song, after the “hit soil song” was seen as a symbol of peace and prosperity, it is also known as “Pacific Song.” To this end, Lu You poem: “hit soil Song peace.” The ancient “hit soil song” why? Is now unknown. However, in the central part of Gansu, folk songs from the old places in Longxi still have a “Taiping Song” popular with locals. Every evening after the spring (or other slack season) supper, the gongs and drums burst into motion. People spontaneously gather in the streets, the lanes, the entrances, the entrances, the auditoriums, and the singing activities are often late at night and sometimes even overnight.