通过对1985~1995 年云南省农科院中日合作课题新育成的42 个粳稻品种农艺性状的分析表明, 云南粳稻育种由穗数型向穗重型演变。今后我省高产育种要以穗重型品种为核心, 在保持或适当增加现有穗数的基础上通过增加穗实粒数和千粒重来提高产量。
The analysis of agronomic traits of 42 japonica cultivars bred newly from 1985 to 1995 in Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences showed that the breeding of japonica rice in Yunnan was evolved from panicle type to panicle type. In the future, high-yielding breeding in our province should focus on spike heavy varieties and increase production by increasing spikelets and 1000-grain weight while maintaining or properly increasing existing spikes.