很多的地方都习惯把大肉园称之为“狮子头”。名作家梁实秋先生在他所撰的《狮子头》一文中曾这样介绍道:“狮子头,杨州名菜。大概是取其形似而又相当大,故名。北方饭庄称为四喜丸子,因为一盘四个。” 殊不知,狮子头其名的由来,远不止梁先生的这些猜测。要说起它的由来,那可是大有来头的呢!它的由来可追溯到遥远的隋代。隋炀帝下江南到杨州去观赏奇花异卉,游览风景名胜,尽兴回到行宫,其日他
Many places are used to call the meat garden “lion head.” Writer Mr. Liang Shiqiu in his “Lion's Head” article once introduced: “Lion head, Yangzhou dishes. Probably take its shape and quite large, hence the name North Fong Zhuang called Si Xi balls, because A plate of 4. ”As everyone knows, the origin of the lion's head, far more than Mr. Liang's guess. To talk about its origin, it is a great deal! It's origins can be traced back to the distant Sui Dynasty. Emperor Yang Jiang to go to Yangzhou to watch exotic flowers, visit the scenic spots, enjoy the return to the palace, the day he