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  You remember them. People like Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Nicolas Cage – putting their faces on the movie posters would sell tickets.
  No more. Once the safeguard of Hollywood’s most profitable movies, A-list[佼佼者] celebrities[名人] are finding their stock[声望,评价] fading at the cinema, where concept is trumping[胜过] stars and story may actually matter.
  Consider: Knight and Day, the $117 million
  adventure with Cruise and Diaz, was to be a summer hit. Instead, the film opened in third place with $20
  million. Cage’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice could use some magic. Roberts couldn’t save the fate of Duplicity.
  Even Matt Damon, when essentially[本质上] reprising[重复]
  his role as Jason Bourne注1, couldn’t lift the $100 million
  Green Zone above $36 million.
  Among the top ten movies of the year, only Johnny Depp’s Alice in Wonderland and Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man 2 could claim big revenues[收入] from star power.
  What gives[(口语)出了什么事]? Television and tabloids[小报]
  have made stars an everyday sight, and moviegoers with limited funds may need something more than an A-list face to convince them to spend the $15.
  Inception, for instance, has succeeded despite
  essentially removing Leonardo DiCaprio from the poster.
  “Leo’s name is in very small font[字体], and it’s clear they’re selling the concept and filmmaker (Christopher Nolan),” says Jeff Bock, analyst for an industry tracking firm. “They sold that on concept.”
  A risky concept. Dan Fellman of Warner Bros. says competing studio executives[经理主管] tried to scare him off opening a brainy film in the summer.
  “The timing seemed right,” Fellman says. “People want a movie to go to Starbucks afterward and talk about. I thought they’d want to do that as much in summer as in fall, and we knocked it out of the park注2.”
  The rise of comic-book movies could be considered as a harbinger[预兆] of trouble. Despite having five different stars in the cape, from Michael Keaton to George Clooney
  to Christian Bale, every Batman movie has opened at
  No. 1. “Batman showed that you could put almost any star
  behind the mask and they’d work,” Bock says.
  Hollywood critic Scott Mantz says that while the trend worries Hollywood’s richest talent, it’s good for the movies.
  “Look at Star Trek, look at The Hangover,” he says of two relatively starless hits last year. “People don’t need to recognize the face. They need to connect to the story.”
  注2:指棒球的全垒打(最典型的全垒打是把球打出球场外野最后面的全垒打墙外,并且球飞出去时是在界内),比喻做事成功。有关棒球的习语可查看CE:Teens 2010年8月号“快乐学堂”栏目。
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