根据山东省桓台县农业水资源日趋减少的现状 ,开展了以减少土壤水蒸发、提高水分利用效率为目的的不同培肥措施的节水田间试验 .结果表明 ,秸秆还田与增施有机肥具有明显的节水增产效应 .在相同灌溉水量 ( 2 5 0mm)的情况下 ,玉米秸与小麦秸全部还田较玉米秸小麦秸均不还田 (对照 )增产 885kg·hm-2 ,水分利用效率提高 3 .13 ,在全还基础上增施有机肥较对照增产 1875kg·hm-2 ,水分利用效率提高 3 .60 ;仅小麦秸全部还田较对照增产 675kg·hm-2 ,水分利用效率提高 3 .2 4,在麦秸还田基础上增施有机肥较对照增产 12 0 0kg·hm-2 ,水分利用效率提高 3 .2 8.
According to the decreasing status of agricultural water resources in Huantai County of Shandong Province, field experiments were conducted to study the water-saving measures with different fertilization measures to reduce soil water evaporation and improve water use efficiency.The results showed that straw returning and organic fertilization With obvious water-saving and yield-increasing effect.When the same amount of irrigation water (250 mm), all the corn stalks and wheat stalks were increased to 885 kg · hm-2, compared with the wheat stalks without corn straw (control) The efficiency increased by 3.13, and the organic fertilizer increased 1875 kg · hm-2 and the water use efficiency increased by 3.60 on the basis of the whole plant, and all the wheat straw returned to the control increased 675 kg · hm-2 compared with the control. The water use efficiency Increase by 3.2%. The increase of organic fertilizer on the basis of wheat straw returning increased yield by 1200 kg · hm-2 compared with the control, and the water use efficiency increased by 3.28.