蒙特利海湾研究所(Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute,MBARI)作为一家私营、非赢利性的研究机构,由于其独特的办所理念和运作机制,在短短20多年的时间里即跻身于世界海洋科学与技术的领先地位。MBARI最重要的基本原则是科学家和工程师之间的平等关系,MBARI所有的研究项目必须是卓越、创新并具前瞻性的。对MBARI发展历史、研究方向及部分研究成果进行了介绍,提出了几点对我国当前海洋科学与研究现状的思考和感受。
As a private, not-for-profit research institution, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has become one of the world’s marine science institutes in just 20 years due to its unique concept and operating mechanism. And technology leadership. The most important basic principle of MBARI is the equal relationship between scientists and engineers. All MBARI research projects must be excellent, innovative and forward-looking. The development history, research direction and some research results of MBARI are introduced, and some thoughts and feelings about current marine science and research status in our country are put forward.