Realistic Words, Chilling after Reading

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  Those who bend their heads first cherish terribly sincere feelings, which is not because they are wrong.
  1 Knowing more people, you prefer to be left alone
  People in life, either sincere or insincere, are difficult to distinguish. Not undergoing something memorable, you would never clearly see human’s malicious heart. Not falling to the bottom of valley, you would never tell the right from the wrong. Sometimes you treat others heart and soul, but in return your heart is totally broken and your soul is desperately bitched. You finally understand you are the most reliable man and the last prop in this very world. The fair-sounding oath is blowing in the wind for the sake of interest, so you find it hard to get wholehearted affection. Living in the era of trust crisis, others may regard your true words as hood; treat your hood as jokes, however, when you really play jokes on them, they think you are telling the truth. A popular Chinese writer, Sheng Congwen said, “It is through happiness and sorrow that you can understand yourself, it is through ups and downs that you can understand friends.” It’s easy to make you live happily: whether to stay or to leave relies on whether you are happy or not. Because birds of different feathers do not flock together!
  2 More time spent on yourself, less energy wasted on others
  I once cared too much about others and even curried favor with all people. But at last everything I have done like this made me exhausted and got nothing sincere and frank. I now don’t care what others’ comments on me are and keep calm in the face of any calumny, for no need to explain to those who understand me and no care and no explanation to those don’t understand me. Everything that couldn’t kill me only makes me much stronger. Life is too short to have enough energy to well tend those who care us. No time is left to argue with unimportant people. People say life happiness lies in two halves, one is argument, the other is compliance. Argument is not with people but with hardships. Compliance is not got adrift but to get wit to stop and settle down. The true happy people are not to live in others’ mouths or others’ eyes. Heart covered with thick dust, that is the very reason that we always compain about the gloomy world. If you attach less importance to all things, you will live breezily and freely.
  3 You have to torture yourself to cope with something that no one can help you
  I am wondering if you have met such occasions: abruptly you feel down. You don’t want to go out and talk, only want to sit still and stare blankly. It seems that you lose all your strength and even lose strength to cry. Everyone has a certain dead corner which he can’t walk out and others can’t walk in. If someone asks why, he doesn’t know how to answer, not unwilling to answer but thinking it meaningless to answer. Life usually plays such jokes on us, the more you care about someone, the deeper you are hurt by him. It is not easy to see through a man, you are always hurt by the knife you handed. Don’t overvalue somebody or something; no one must live with or without another one in this world. Destiny permitting, you will meet again after you miss each other. Destiny not permitting, you will miss again after you meet each other. Life is but the reality of outcome and result without assumption. It’s better to let nature take its course, as assembling and departing make sense respectively.   4 Don’t ever try to get a sense of security from others
  A sense of security derives from yourself, other standers-by only consider it is a piece of cake and wait for watching more plots. Don’t be that dependent on any people, otherwise, the only hurt people is you. You should be independent and be callous (still OK to some extent). Silent men are those who know everything in his deep heart and who keep mystery for some of their own private events. Keeping mystery is at one’s best and is not a kind of   hypocrisy. You should keep it in mind that you can cry and be furious but you can’t be strong enough. When you fall over, you may be helped by nobody, leaving a flock of people waiting for your tricks. To be truly mature means you can pose elegantly even you get shot when lying.
  5 Those who bend their heads first cherish terribly sincere feelings, which is not because they are wrong.
  Please cherish the person who always accommodates himself to you. He may win the quarrel between you, but he doesn’t have the heart to hurt you. Having “a very tolerant attitude towards your bad temper, he is willing to be your prop permanently. That is your great blessing if you are accompanied by such an ideal person. Company and understanding are more significant than anything else in love. Uneventful company is most everlasting, and the person that knows you well makes you at ease and justified. The best tacit understanding is not that someone may understand you behind your words, but that someone can understand you from words in your eyes. You are bound to well and wholeheartedly treat those who love and care about you. Don’t squander others’ love. Only by devoting your love and cherishing each other can you spend your whole life together.
  6 Don’t envy others’ life; don’t be self-pitying about your unsatisfied life.
  Opportunities are always left for those who are prepared, if you fall down and then stand up again,any hard journey can be finished step by step after wiping out the tears on your face. Although you envy others’ beverages with different tastes, your life is like a cup of boiled water which better quenches your thirst than others’ beverages. What your life is like depends on what your mood is like. There isn’t a second you in this world, so try your utmost to accept and improve yourself. Reading makes you more striking; traveling gives you a broad view, and learning lets you keep young forever. Just move on with your dead down, maybe someday in the future when you look up, you will find you are living a life many people admire.
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摘要:随着改革开放和现代化建设的不断发展和完善,群众对物质和精神层面的需求也越来越明显,通过文化生活来满足人们的精神需要显得尤为迫切。本文从群众文化的特点及现实意义等方面进行阐述,提出若干建设思路,希望对群众文化的建设和发展有一定作用,从而推动社会各方面不断进步。  关键词:群众文化;现实意义;建设思路  一、群众文化定义及特点  群众文化是以人民群众为主体,以各种形式开展文化活动的一种文化现象,
摘要:西周时期产生保民思想,先秦儒家、道家等学派先后提出和发展了民本思想,概括起来主要包括对如何养民、爱民、教民等的认识。先秦民本思想是中华民族的精神体现,对于构建中国特色社会主义和谐社会等具有重要的借鉴意义。  关键词:先秦;民本思想;现实价值  先秦民本主义思想萌芽于殷周,发展于春秋,成熟于战国。《说文解字·木部》上说:“民,众萌也,从古文之象。凡民之属皆从民。”“本,木下曰本,从木,一在其下
一、设计任务  綜合中断、定时器、LED数码管等完成一精度为0.01秒的秒表。  相关要求:  1.输入:K1(启动/暂停)、K2(清零);(利用外部中断)  2.输出:4为数码管(显示格式:06.78)  二、系统框图  三、程序设计分析  (一)流程图  (二)程序分析:  1.定时器:系统中所采用的晶振频率是12MHz,其机器周期=1us,秒表的精度是0.01s=1us*10000,给定时器